Thursday, May 17, 2012

How to Plant Runners From Temptation Strawberries

By Heide Braley

The Temptation strawberry is a member of the alpine everbearing strawberry family from Europe, F. vesca semperfloren. These plants produce small, flavorful berries all through the summer and plenty of runners to start new plants. Although the plants started from the runners do not always fruit the first year, they will come back the following spring as strong plants with healthy root systems, sending out their own runners to start new plants.

Watch the runners that sprout out from the crown of the strawberry plant; they will develop smaller "daughter" plants. Wait until the daughter plant has grown a root system.

Work some well-rotted compost into the soil with a shovel where you want to plant your new strawberry plants. Make sure the site will get at least six hours of sunlight and drain well after heavy rains. Remove any weeds that might compete with the strawberry plants, using a hoe. Spread a 6-inch layer of straw or hay.

Snip a runner about halfway between the mother and daughter plant, using sharp pruning shears.

Slide a small hand shovel under the daughter plant's root system. Lift it from the strawberry bed.

Pull back the straw or hay mulch at the new planting site. Dig a small hole for the roots of the daughter plant. Set the plant in the hole so its crown is just above the soil line and all the roots are covered.

Pull the mulch back around the plant. Apply about 8 oz. of water per plant.

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