By Dee Benjamin
Strawberry plants are a popular addition to home gardens because they require relatively little space to grow, but yield large amounts of fruit. Three varieties of strawberry plants are available to gardeners: day-neutral, everbearing and June bearing. Day-neutral plants bear throughout the season, everbearing produce one harvest in late spring and one in early fall and June bearing produce a large crop during late-spring. Properly planting your strawberries in the ground will ensure you have plenty of fruit for jamming, eating and making into desserts.Select a location to plant your strawberries in the ground. The site should be well-drained, rich in organic material and receive full sunlight. Do not plant your strawberries where eggplant, peppers, tomatoes or potatoes have grown in the last four years. These crops carry a fungus that harms strawberries.
Test the pH level of the soil in your garden. Home garden pH testing kits are available at most home and garden stores. Dig a hole 2 to 3 inches deep. Clear away any roots or debris. Fill the hole with distilled water. Insert the testing probe into the muddy water and check the reading.
Add dolomitic lime to your soil if the pH level is below the range of 5.5 to 6.5. Carefully follow the instructions on the packaging for correct application.
Fertilize the soil using all-purpose fertilizer, manure or compost. Cultivate the area to break up any large clumps and remove rocks.
Plant the strawberries during spring once the soil has dried and the threat of frost is over. Dig rows that are 4 feet apart. Dig holes 18 inches apart in each row. Set each strawberry plant in a hole so that the soil is just above the top of the roots. Lightly pack soil around each plant.
Water the soil around each plant thoroughly.
Strawberries that are planted too deep will fail to grow. If the strawberries are planted to shallowly, the roots will dry out and the plant will die.
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