Thursday, May 17, 2012

When Is It Too Late to Start Planting Strawberries

By Sarah Thomas

Timing for planting strawberries depends on your location and the type of strawberry being planted. Everbearing strawberries produce fruit two to three times within the growing season, in spring, summer and fall. June-bearing crops produce one crop per year that is fully ripened in June. Day neutral berries continuously produce berries throughout the growing season. Location also impacts strawberry crops, as it is best to plant crops after the last winter frost.

June bearing strawberries typically produce a larger fruit than everbearing and day neutral varieties. Spring is the best time to plant June bearing varieties, to give them enough growing season to reach their full potential. March and April are the best months in the majority of the United States, after the risk of frost has passed. Strawberries should be planted when the soil is not overly wet. It is best to plant berries on a day with little sun, or late in the afternoon, to protect the plants from the sun.

For a crop of June bearing strawberries in the same year planted, they must be planted no later than late spring. June bearing strawberries not planted until the summer will not produce fruit until the following year. Iowa State University suggests picking the blossoms off of June bearing strawberries the first year so that fruit does not develop until the second year, to improve future crops. As strawberries are perennial, they will continue to produce fruit each year.

Everbearing strawberries produce two to three crops during a growing seasons. Day neutral berries produce crops continuously throughout the season. As these varieties of strawberries continually produce fruit, they can be planted later in the season and still bear produce. When possible, it is best to plant everbearing and day neutral strawberries in late spring. March and April are best for planting, once the final frost has occurred in your particular location. In areas with mild winters, strawberries can be planted during the fall so that a springtime crop is produced. For the first six weeks after planting, blossoms should be removed to strengthen future crops, according to Iowa State University. Strawberries should be planted in soil that is not overly wet, and during late afternoon or on a cloudy day so that the plant is protected from the sun.

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