Thursday, May 17, 2012

The Best Time to Plant StrawberriesThe Best Time to Plant Strawberries

By Kimberly Sharpe

Three types of strawberry plants exist: June-bearers which produce one berry crop in June, ever-bearers which produce two crops, and day-neutral which produce non-stop from June until fall if the weather is relatively cool. Begin planting strawberry plants when the soil can be worked with ease in the spring.

Plant strawberry plants in late March and April, according to Iowa State University's website. Strawberry plants that have been refrigerated and kept cool can be planted as late as June. Planting strawberry plants late in the season will cause them to have a poor crop the first year.

Remove all old or dead leaves prior to planting the strawberry plant. The plant should retain two or three healthy leaves. Spread the roots of the plant out in the soil. Plant the strawberry plant shallow so that only the root system is covered with soil, according to the University of Wisconsin's website.

Keep the newly planted strawberry plants moist. They will require at least 1 inch of irrigation or rainfall per week to grow an ample crop of berries. The flowers of newly planted strawberry plants can sustain damage if the temperature plummets to below 32 degrees Fahrenheit, which will result in a poor berry crop, according to the University of Florida's website. Cover new plants if a freeze is expected.

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