By Shawna Kennedy
Strawberries are one of the easiest fruiting plants to grow. This ground cover grows in every state. These plants send out long runners that root and produce new plants. Strawberry plants need at least 6 hours of sunlight daily and well-drained, moist soil. June-bearing strawberries produce large fruit in June and many runners. Ever-bearing strawberries have smaller fruit with fewer runners. Day-neutral berries flower and bear fruit throughout the growing season.
In warmer climates, the best time to plant strawberries is October and November. Your plants will have plenty of time to acclimate to the garden and will be ready to produce early in the spring. Strawberry varieties that thrive in warm climates include Chandler, Sweet Charlie and Camorosa. Keep the crown above the soil but the roots covered for a healthy strawberry plant, according to the University of Florida.
In cool climates, or climates with freezing temperatures, plant strawberries after the ground has thawed. This usually occurs in late March, April or early May. Always plant your strawberries in the early morning or late afternoon on a cloudy day to assure they will have time to acclimate to their new location before the heat of the day. Varieties ideal for cooler climates include Earliglow, Jewel, Ozark Beauty and Tristar according to the University of Illinois.
If you live in a tropical or subtropical climate, you can plant strawberries any month of the year. Pinch back the first round of flowers to allow your strawberry plant to concentrate on good root formation. Strawberries can also be grown indoors. Choose ever-bearing and day-neutral strawberries for indoor growing. Use a specialized strawberry container or a simple pot for your strawberries.
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