Thursday, May 17, 2012

How to Plant Honeoye Strawberries

By Sarah Morse

Honeoye is a type of strawberry plant classified as a mid-season fruit producer, bearing fruit in June. Unlike some other strawberry cultivars, honeoye strawberries are perennial and disease resistant. They are hardy in regions 5 through 9, where temperatures do not drop below negative 10 degrees Fahrenheit. Planting honeoye strawberries is not difficult as long as you know the correct environment in which to grow the plants.

Choose an area to grow the strawberries in early spring, right after the danger of frost has passed. The soil should be well-drained and rich and the plants will do best in full sun. Work organic compost or manure into the soil with a spade, breaking up any clumps.

Water the plants in their containers a few minutes before planting. This will help keep the soil together while transplanting.

Dig holes slightly larger in width than the root-ball of the honeoye plants and the same depth as the height of the root balls. Place each plant in a hole and fill in the soil around the roots. Tamp the soil down firmly around the plant.

Water deeply after planting. Keep the plants moist, but not soaking wet until the strawberries take root and begin to grow on their own. Then you may decrease watering, allowing them to dry slightly.

Pinch off all blooms in the first growing season. This will promote vigorous berry production on the new growth the following spring.

Apply fertilizer when the plants start to grow. Use a general purpose water-soluble fertilizer and follow the directions on the package for safety and application instructions.

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