Thursday, May 17, 2012

How to Grow Strawberry Plants

By Angela Robinson

Growing strawberries is very simple to do if you take the time to take proper care of the plants. Strawberries can be grown in a garden, flower bed or even in a pot. All venues used to grow strawberries can be very sucessful if they are placed in sufficient sunlight and proper soil. Learn the guidelines needed to grow a successful strawberry patch.

Plant at the proper time. In order for strawberries to be ready for picking during the early summer months, you should plan on planting the small plants in early spring.

Find a location. If you do not have room for a strawberry bed in your garden, you can easily plant the strawberry plants in a planter. Whatever location you choose, be sure that it has full sun and acidic soil. Soil can be prepared with an acidic blend of fertilizer that can be purchased at your local plant and garden supplier.

Prepare the area. If you'll be planting in an open garden area, place some weed control paper or a thick layer of mulch in between the strawberry plants. Strawberry plants will grow to be thick and spread in every direction, so you must plan ahead to avoid weeds from taking over the strawberry bed.

Water. Fertilize strawberries once or twice each month. It is important to keep the plants watered daily in an effort to avoid the leaves from being burned by the combination of the acidic soil and the hot sun. The more fertilizer is spread throughout the garden area, the more strawberries will be produced from the plants.

Be patient. Growing strawberries definately takes patience. The plants will produce fruit during their first year, but will produce more in years to come. After the strawberry season is over, cover the plants will a thick layer of straw or hay to insulate the plants until the next year.

Keep the garden area weeded daily to avoid a weed takeover in the middle of the season.

Snakes like to hide in the shade of the strawberry plants. Be aware of your surroundings at all times when picking strawberries.

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